Ethics and Compliance

Ethics and Compliance
McCormick’s Business Ethics Policy is the anchor of our ethics and compliance program. We have multiple policies and procedures that address specific aspects of our Business Ethics Policy, including insider trading, antitrust, bribery and conflicts of interest.
Ethics and compliance is the cornerstone of our commitment to integrity, honesty and transparency, allowing our Company to continuously advance as the global leader in flavor. We’re continuing along our path of improvement through increased and new employee communications, activities, trainings, policies and procedures to ensure ethical decision-making practices permeate our organization and the ecosystems where we operate.
Additionally, our Enterprise Compliance Group, established in 2019, oversees a dedicated Ethics and Compliance team, which seeks to further build our global ethics and compliance program. Its work includes oversight of assessing third parties for corruption risk, training employees to identify and report potential ethics and compliance violations, tracking and responding to incidents and monitoring and auditing compliance risks of the program. Additionally, we’ve further invested in our global ethics and compliance program by supporting employees on the team to become Certified Compliance and Ethics Professionals, both in the U.S. and internationally.
Corporate Governance and Responsibilities Allocation
While ethics and compliance is ingrained in our Company culture and every individual is expected to act responsibly and in accordance with our Company policies, guidelines, and laws and regulations, our ethics and compliance program, directed by our Corporate Legal department and senior management, is overseen by the CEO and Audit Committee, with the Enterprise Compliance Group responsible for day-to-day operations and execution.